It’s All About The People
You will often hear business and sports managers saying it’s all about the people but what does this really mean?
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I was reading an account by a leading sports team manager who was talking about taking over managing a team at the bottom of their division. This particular manager was in a fairly unique position in that he had this challenge twice with different teams in the space of a few years.
This manager commented that not all turnarounds are the same. The first team was a team of talented top class players who needed a little guidance, some settling down and off they went winning games and moving toward the top of the division.
The second team was a different proposition. It was in the words of one player “the worst dressing room ever” with over paid players who refused to train and exhibited poor attitudes. The manager reflected that this turnaround was going take a long time as players, their attitudes and habits needed to change. A much tougher proposition over the following few years.
So top class players need much less management, more guidance where as players with a poor attitude need a lot of management.
Business is pretty much the same. We are often asked to take a on a turnaround situation, whether a department or a company. What makes the difference between an effective, quick turnaround and a protracted drawn out one will be the people you choose to go on the journey with you.
We all have a responsibility to have a good attitude. It will help us and our managers achieve so much more. Who doesn’t want to work with people who know what they are doing and get on with it.
The Management Tour Guide is an experienced manager with an MBA who has helped to build an international consumer goods brand. MTG has been hired over the phone, asked to leave in person, been head hunted and passed over on many occasions. MTG has worked on start ups, wind downs and lost causes as well as successful businesses. It all counts when it comes to gaining experience.
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